Thursday, August 4, 2011

The Twelth Step

Today's meditation was about the Twelth Step and one of the things I shared about is the example we set for the new comers. If I use the rooms as a dumping ground without seeking a solution what do we tell the newcomer. Are we carrying a clear and concise message of NarcoticsAnonymous or are we talking to hear ourselves talk? If all we share in negtivity, how is that a message of hope. If I had walked into my first meeting and heard a mess instead of a message I never would have come back. If you are showing me, as a newcomer, how miserable you are in is that supposed to attract me to recovery? I can be miserable back our on the street.

While I'm on the subject of a never fails that the people who walk in late want to share their asses off and have no idea what the topic is. There are those that need to make a grand entrance because with multiple years clean they are attention seeking. I also can't stand when someone sets a topic and asks for experience, strength and hope and when they're done sharing their mess, they get up and leave!!!

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