Friday, April 20, 2012

Working the Steps

     I have had several sponsors over the years and I have been working with the same sponsor for the past two years. I have been sitting on the 6th Step for the past 9 months and felt a little stuck.My sponsor and I have completely different schedules and we have had some difficulty getting together. Something always seems to come up with one of us.

     There is a guy in the program with 21 years clean. I really respect his clean time and recovery and I have asked him to work steps with me. It has been amazing. He doesn't give me an assignment and send me home to do it. The literature says that we work actively with a sponsor. If I am writing the steps myself it is more like self-help. We stick to the literature and focus on all of the spiritual principles in the steps. When I see him at meetings he questions me about definitions. When I demonstrate solid knowledge of the step we move ahead to the next step.

     To be honest, with my clean time I didn't think there was much he could teach me about the steps, but I wanted to learn about spirituality from him. I have been openminded and am amazed to see the steps in a whole new light!

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